The Authentique Weight Loss

This dietary supplement has been clinically tested to help you lose Weight each month. The gentle Slimming Formula contains natural extracts of guarana, green tea, chicory inulin, artichoke, bitter orange and Mate
Bruleur Minceur Tablet
Enhances hermogenesis and promotes weight loss naturally by burning fats. 
Approximately 4 KG less every month as per proven clinical studies results. 


The Authentic Chocolate Minceur Squires.
Slimming Chocolate that keeps its promises,Loss Weight and keep a fantastic taste of true chocolate .Three squires per day to change your figure and loss Approximately 1.84 KG every month. 

The Pleasure & Authentic Drinks
Enjoy your daily drinks with the authentic taste of (Coffee, Tea, Cappuccino, and Chocolate), 2 times per day to change your figure and loss Approximately 1.84 KG every month.